Friday, 18 February 2011

Evaluation of draft

The filming started on the Tuesday 8th of February round Dale’s house at about 4:10. We started with the first scene on the story board and went through it as planned. But half way through the filming we needed some clean film to rap me down in the chair (dale got this idea from a programme called Dexter). After buying that they tied me down to the chair and then we filmed the first couple on scenes. But because of some distractions it was hard for me and dale to get most of the work done so we decided to come back on the Thursday and do the rest of the filming.
On the Thursday there was only me and Dale at his house so we thought that we would start all over again with the filming because there was so little done on the Tuesday. After we got changed into are costumes we started filming in the same order as last time but we used a different chair for me to be tied in because the chair that we used the first time looked to modern for the idea that we are going for, this chair had more of a old fashioned look to it. As it was draft we didn’t use fake blood because it would make a lot of mess for just the draft and Dale’s Mother wouldn’t have been happy. The filming went very well and twice as quick as it did on the Tuesday because of the lack of distractions (Sam Cook).The one scene where the killer is looking over all the weapons and goes back to the pizza cutter. The problem was that when he looked over the weapons it was nice and smooth but we couldn’t think of a way to do that so I did it free hand. However we have thought we could make a device use a skateboard for the shot to become more smoothly. Another little problem we had is the light, because we are working in Dale’s conservatory and it being February the sun goes down early but when we come to film the proper thing in a couple of weeks it should be lighter throughout the process of filming.
But overall the filming on the Thursday was a complete success compared to Tuesday and when we come to filming the real thing we know the mistake’s we shouldn’t make. We have also learned not to do all the filming in one day unless we actually have the hole day not after school.     

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