Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Recce Shots
1 - Opening Shot and Potential Shots

This shot was done on location, leading up to the field where we plan to set the opening shot (or possibly another field, but this is probably the easiest to get access to due to being at the school and essentially empty during break and lunch).

This is a closer shot of the field, with Tom making a face best described as "wise sage". I don't know why. He just did it.

Another shot of the field, but at the angle we'll potentially be using for the opening shot - though that shot will probably be a bit closer to get rid of the gravel at the bottom of this shot, and at a lighter time of the day.

A higher angle to show what the field will look like when it's lighter, and thus at the time when we'll be filming. If not, we'll just have to brighten it afterwards somehow.

A scary tree.

A nice shot overall, though probably not too relevant to the current planned storyboard. We'll have to wait and see if we need to add anything or not.

If the current storyboarded opening doesn't take up two minutes, we've decided to add bits here and there to lengthen sections, such as this area which could show the car leaving the scene (again, being fairly empty during the day). What's more likely though is that the only scene done involving the car will from within the car rather than out of it.

We still need to take shots of the car interior and the conservatory and rooms being used for the final set of shots, which I'll be doing at some point before Friday.


  1. Evening boys. As you know I am not your teacher but I still like to see what other groups are up to. Whilst I haven't extensively studied your blog I would say your location needs greater thought.

    You have a superb name for the film, very Tarantino, you get a real sense of menace from it, its both modern and old at the same time. Slightly unhinged/psychotic like these images

    You however don't get the same feel from your locations. They should either be very derelict

    or incredibly cold and sterile.

    Feel free to ignore this though as I am not your teacher.

  2. I get your point, we mostly decided to go with this field due to the convenience of it's location and accessibility during school hours. I think with it could be a nice contrast between the two scenes that we have within the opening though (note, only the field will be used, because it's not meant to be set in a school, but I'm not exactly knowledgeable when it comes to local scenery), what with this being seemingly much more public with the houses in the background, and colour filled, whereas the location used later is fairly dark, cut off from the world, etcetera.

  3. Although I hate to admit it... Mr Smith is right. What about around the back of Auburn place - that looks older, there will be many untamed weeds etc. Even from the front the place looks a bit spooky. Also the O block building? Just a thought. Still on site so easy access.

  4. All of these pictures are useless, except for the one of the field. That is the only place we'll be shooting out of these pictures, and the opening shot isn't MEANT to be spooky or creepy or horrific in anyway. The shot lasts a maximum of 10 seconds, probably less, and it's meant to contrast the main shots completely.

  5. Hello again.

    Miss Elger is correct, I am right.

    I would strongly recommend that you avoid the field at all costs, it is after all a school playing field and will look like a school playing field.

    From a brief scan of your blog it appears you are aiming for either an amoral killer or a killer with an overactive sense of morality. In these situations less is often more. Although a comedy watch Grosse Pointe Blank for ideas on hitman/killer

    Similarly watch Robert Michums performance in The Night Of The Hunter, his character is a how to guide of menace and unhinged morality as well as use of shadow and angle to create menace

    lastly try not to kill the girl so soon or at all. You could spend two minutes chopping up the male without necessarily showing anything.

  6. Yeah I can see your point about the field looking like a school playing field - I forgot about what an actual field looks like. We've replaced the field shot with a panning shot of the sky.
