This opening sequence for the television series Dexter, based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay, is heavily inspired by the opening sequence for the film American Psycho - both of these openings take completely normal actions and objects and create obviously sinister undertones by use of clever editing and camera angles, as well as the use of certain things (such as red liquid, a sauce of some sort, being used to clearly represent blood).
As an opening sequence, this cleverly portrays the personality of the main characters themselves (Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, and Dexter in Dexter, who I'm hesitant to call the protagonists because of the moral implications that come with it) - both Patrick and Dexter are sociopathic murderers, though with somewhat different motivations to their actions, who blend in with society perfectly whilst maintaining their destructive ways. The character of Patrick uses murder to vent his stress, but this hobby soon gets out of control as he takes a downward spiral into insanity - Dexter, on the other hand, lives by his father's rule of only killing those who deserve it (other murderers), and controls the scenes of his murders completely, wrapping the kill site with plastic and murdering them cleanly and quickly: however, this doesn't make him a good character, as the only reason he does this is to vent his desire to kill things whilst remaining on what some would call the morally right path, in an attempt to keep to his father's wishes.
Overall, these opening sequences do a great job of showing what the character's themselves are like, and we could do something somewhat similar to these for our film project, though as yet it's undecided.
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