Friday, 8 April 2011

Evaluation Activity 3 - 'Media Institutions' - Final

We didn't have time to record, so we decided to post the script instead

What does a production company do?

A production company essentially creates the film, or has a certain group of people within it that do so. They also generally are either independent or mainstream, each one different mainly in budget and dependence for successful films, with mainstream production companies being more unwilling to diverge from proven formulas and independent production companies being the opposite. They also may be known for specific genre films (or being multi-genre), such as Lionsgate Entertainment who, despite being mainstream, have been known to fund independent films, and are both distributors and producers in their own right. They’re fairly similar to ours, in that they’ve produced a couple of the films that helped inspire our own film opening – Saw and American Psycho.

The idea of a distributor and who that might be and why.

A distributor, something we missed out from our film opening, is essentially the company behind releasing the film, whether it be in cinema or on DVD. For example, Motion Pictures distributes films on DVD in the UK usually, with them being behind the UK distribution of The King’s Speech more recently, and are known for funding and distributing independent titles also – they distributed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Let The Right One In, two fairly popular independent films.

Where the money might have come from for a film such as yours.

Funding for independent titles is usually done via private investors or several companies, or even the UK Film Council. Other production or distribution companies may also provide funding if they like the film themselves – for example, Motion Pictures provided funding for The King’s Speech, which turned out to be a pretty good call on their part.

Why the various people are named in the titles – which jobs appear, what order, why.

The credits we included in the film were the directors, editors, writers and main actors, of which we probably could have left out the editors – we used these due to them being the main things that the audience will see throughout the video, and probably the ones that they would like to know. For example, the directors have designed the things they’re seeing, the writers have written everything they hear and the actors are the ones who they’ll be following the story of throughout the film. We say that the editors could probably be left out, as really people just don’t get interested in who they are unless it’s some pretty darn nifty editing, like making a film feel like a completely different genre simply through editing tricks (Hot Fuzz comes to mind).

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