Thursday 24 March 2011

Draft - Evaluation Activity 2

As mentioned before, one of the main inspirations for the film opening we’ve made is American Psycho, both in terms of the character doing the killing and the method by which they do it. The character of Patrick Bateman and the character of the killer in our opening both represent the upper-middle class of society – the kind shown to the public mainly via businessmen and politicians. The kind of suit-wearing, shallow and selfish person that is more concerned about the state of the floor than the life of the victim.

One of the main themes that American Psycho portrayed was the importance given to outward appearance by people, often not reflecting their true nature – Patrick Bateman was forced to vent his anger and frustration at the littlest things through killing many, many people (whether it was real or not is beyond the point).

Though the opening does have a somewhat different feel to it than the death scene involving Paul Allen in American Psycho, there are several similarities between the two that were intended to link the characters together:

·         The room is filled with very clean colours – white being the dominant one
·         The central point of the room is generally considered to be the chair the victim is in
·         The victim’s chair is surrounded by newspaper
·         The victims wear fairly similar clothing, as do the killers
·         The table is covered in a white cloth
·         The windows have blinds on them (though ours are light coloured to match the room)
·         The killer takes pills from next to a glass of water
·         There is music overlaying the murder, and it’s being played from a stereo system of some sort
·         You don’t see the dead body – just the blood on the newspaper surrounding it

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